Beatrice Seruya’s Story
Beatrice Seruya is a member of Ufanisi group who are saving in Inua Village Sacco. Her husband is a teacher and her kids are all grown up. She used to be a house wife. She joined the Sacco in November 2019, and was elected as the group’s chair person.
She is a very effective chairlady and encourages her group members a lot on how they can do great things. She says she learnt a lot from the trainings. Her first loan, she applied for a goat and advised the members who didn’t have business to do so too. After repaying her goat loan, an opportunity of cooking for construction workers at our school construction site opened and no member was willing to take it up.
Beatrice wanted the job but she thought she can’t do it because she did not have experience. We talked to her and provided trainings and empowerment that helped her. She started with tea and lunch. The workers were happy with her service and encouraged her more. She continued to learn more and improve on the business.
She was excited and eager to learn on the job. When she got her first pay, she was very happy and decided to continue with the business. She applied for her second loan and decided that she will buy saucepans in order to be able to cook for more people instead of borrowing or cooking one meal at a time.
She thought that she can’t do business but through the Sacco she has learned that she can do anything that she puts her mind to.
Every day she wakes up, does her normal chores and goes to buy ingredients needed to prepare the food. She continues to save in the Sacco and encourage everyone to save and gain knowledge and skills that she has gotten.